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Resumption of work in Chinese theaters releases positive signals

  • Categories:Industry News
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  • Time of issue:2021-03-25
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(Summary description)The global film industry is releasing signs of recovery. As the epidemic situation in some countries slows, movie theaters in many countries are reopening one after another, and film production projects are also accelerating the resumption of work. Industry insiders pointed out that affected by strict epidemic prevention requirements and the sudden emergence of streaming media, the global film industry may face a new round of reshuffle and reorganization.

Resumption of work in Chinese theaters releases positive signals

(Summary description)The global film industry is releasing signs of recovery. As the epidemic situation in some countries slows, movie theaters in many countries are reopening one after another, and film production projects are also accelerating the resumption of work. Industry insiders pointed out that affected by strict epidemic prevention requirements and the sudden emergence of streaming media, the global film industry may face a new round of reshuffle and reorganization.

  • Categories:Industry News
  • Author:
  • Origin:
  • Time of issue:2021-03-25
  • Views:0

The global film industry is releasing signs of recovery. As the epidemic situation in some countries slows, movie theaters in many countries are reopening one after another, and film production projects are also accelerating the resumption of work. Industry insiders pointed out that affected by strict epidemic prevention requirements and the sudden emergence of streaming media, the global film industry may face a new round of reshuffle and reorganization.


院线陆续重新开业  中国,作为全球最大的电影市场之一,内地低风险地区电影院在有效落实防控措施的前提下,自7月20日起恢复开放营业,每周票房环比增长强劲。据《中国电影报》数据,7月27日至8月2日,中国内地票房收入累计1.97亿元人民币,较复工首周增长79%,观影人数690万,增长65%。  中原证券表示,目前全国影院已经有序进入复工阶段,虽然复工前期包括票房、观影人次、上座率、票价等经营数据相比过往暑期档还存在着比较大的差距,但从大的趋势来看,目前的复工率正在稳步恢复,单日票房也开始逐日有提升。预计随着更多的影片在影院上映,观众和行业的信心都能够有效恢复,国内电影产业也会进一步恢复到正常的经营秩序之中。德国《明星》周刊报道称,“中国电影院复工给全球电影业释放积极的信号,是一大利好消息”。  扶持措施相继出台  面对疫情影响,多国政府通过不同方式扶持电影产业发展。与此同时,电影行业链各环节的从业者也在“抱团取暖”。以戛纳国际电影节为代表的大型电影节也在创新电影市场交易形式。由37个成员组成的欧洲电影促进会疫情期间成立了专门的“危机委员会”,最大程度减少电影市场交易损失。  在2020年上海国际电影电视节上创新举办的“国际影视云市场”,有700多家展商参与,数量多于往年,其中境外展商占比约50%。华纳兄弟、索尼、派拉蒙、环球影业等好莱坞巨头纷纷在第一时间报名注册。戛纳电影节艺术总监蒂埃里·弗雷莫认为,这是“旨在支持国际电影产业并为专业人士提供帮助”的全新方式。  行业发展呈现新趋势  后疫情时代,观众的观影习惯正在悄然发生改变,水上电影院、汽车影院等观影形式在海外获得生机,“线下+线上”的融合新趋势也正受到越来越多影业公司的青睐。尽管如此,相关业界人士认为,电影院所具备的社交属性和沉浸式体验,是流媒体无法取代的,但在面对视频网站的冲击时,如何提供差异化服务、维持影院的新鲜度、让受众拥有绝对不同于在家观影体验等问题,值得从业者思考。


Cinemas reopened one after another


As one of the world's largest film markets, cinemas in low-risk areas on the mainland have resumed operations since July 20, under the premise of effective prevention and control measures, and their weekly box office growth has been strong compared to the previous month. According to the "China Film News" data, from July 27 to August 2, the total box office revenue in mainland China was 197 million yuan, an increase of 79% from the first week of work resumption, and the number of movie viewers was 6.9 million, an increase of 65%.


Centaline Securities stated that theaters across the country have entered the stage of resumption of work in an orderly manner. Although the operating data including box office, attendance, attendance, and ticket prices in the early stage of resumption of work still has a relatively large gap compared with the previous summer files, the trend is larger. It can be seen that the current return to work rate is steadily recovering, and the single-day box office has also begun to increase day by day. It is expected that as more films are released in theaters, the confidence of the audience and the industry can be effectively restored, and the domestic film industry will be further restored to normal operating order. The German weekly "Star" reported that "The resumption of work in Chinese cinemas is sending a positive signal to the global film industry, which is great news."


Supportive measures have been introduced


Facing the impact of the epidemic, governments of many countries have supported the development of the film industry in different ways. At the same time, practitioners in all links of the film industry chain are also "hustling together." Large-scale film festivals represented by the Cannes International Film Festival are also innovating in the form of film market transactions. During the epidemic, the 37-member European Film Promotion Association established a special "crisis committee" to minimize the loss of film market transactions.


More than 700 exhibitors participated in the “International Film and Television Cloud Market” held at the Shanghai International Film and Television Festival in 2020, more than in previous years, of which overseas exhibitors accounted for about 50%. Hollywood giants such as Warner Bros., Sony, Paramount, and Universal Pictures all signed up for the first time. Thierry Fremo, the artistic director of the Cannes Film Festival, believes that this is a brand-new approach “to support the international film industry and provide assistance to professionals”.


Industry development presents new trends


In the post-epidemic era, the audience’s movie-watching habits are quietly changing, and movie-watching forms such as floating cinemas and car theaters are gaining vitality overseas. The new trend of "offline + online" integration is also being influenced by more and more film companies. Favor. Nevertheless, people in the relevant industry believe that the social attributes and immersive experience of movie theaters cannot be replaced by streaming media. However, in the face of the impact of video websites, how to provide differentiated services, maintain the freshness of theaters, and let audiences Possessing issues that are absolutely different from watching movies at home is worthy of consideration by practitioners.

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