Technology, Culture and Entertainment Innovation

New trends in global themed entertainment real-world formats

  • Categories:Industry News
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  • Time of issue:2021-03-25
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(Summary description)On January 20, the Fifth CTCAS Summit and "Dragon Bird Award" ceremony was successfully held in Shanghai. The summit brought together industry authorities, domestic and foreign cultural tourism experts and scholars, head organizations, top tourism companies, and well-known project operators and other guests to discuss the issues on the same stage to discuss the development trend of cultural tourism in the post-epidemic era from multiple levels and perspectives. Build an effective resource link service platform for destinations, cultural and tourism enterprises, etc., provide opportunities for collaboration and mutual promotion, and form a chain and ecosystem cooperation community.

New trends in global themed entertainment real-world formats

(Summary description)On January 20, the Fifth CTCAS Summit and "Dragon Bird Award" ceremony was successfully held in Shanghai. The summit brought together industry authorities, domestic and foreign cultural tourism experts and scholars, head organizations, top tourism companies, and well-known project operators and other guests to discuss the issues on the same stage to discuss the development trend of cultural tourism in the post-epidemic era from multiple levels and perspectives. Build an effective resource link service platform for destinations, cultural and tourism enterprises, etc., provide opportunities for collaboration and mutual promotion, and form a chain and ecosystem cooperation community.

  • Categories:Industry News
  • Author:
  • Origin:
  • Time of issue:2021-03-25
  • Views:0

1月20日,第五届CTCAS峰会暨“龙雀奖”颁奖盛典在上海成功举办。峰会汇聚了行业主管部门人士、国内外文旅专家学者、头部机构与头部旅企高层、知名项目操盘手等嘉宾同台论道,多层次多角度纵深探讨研判后疫情时代文旅发展走向,也为目的地、文旅企业等搭建富有成效的资源链接服务平台,提供协同互促合作机会,形成链条性、生态圈的合作共同体。         会上,TEA全球主题娱乐协会亚太区主席赵阳分享了全球主题娱乐IP实景业态的发展趋势。赵阳指出,在商业空间严重同质化的今天,文旅商业设施在满足基本的吃、购、住等功能上,还应满足文化展示、文化体验、互动交流、游览体验等复合的功能。当下,逛商场已经成为一种“打卡”“旅游”,短期来看能够直接快速带来营业额,长期来看能够使购物中心等商业地产项目在产品的可玩性、有趣性、丰富性上更加具有差异化——不是景点,胜似景点。         鲁信睿浩作为研发制造主题娱乐设备的一体化娱乐科技公司。旗下有MX4D动感特效影厅、Mediamation飞行影院 、景区多功能MX4D特效影厅等主题娱乐产品。文化IP加上互动科技,双重产品亮点,可为商业地产、主题乐园等客户提供特色化主题娱乐技术服务,助力商业综合体差异化发展,打破同质化的现象。


On January 20, the Fifth CTCAS Summit and "Dragon Bird Award" ceremony was successfully held in Shanghai. The summit brought together industry authorities, domestic and foreign cultural tourism experts and scholars, head organizations, top tourism companies, and well-known project operators and other guests to discuss the issues on the same stage to discuss the development trend of cultural tourism in the post-epidemic era from multiple levels and perspectives. Build an effective resource link service platform for destinations, cultural and tourism enterprises, etc., provide opportunities for collaboration and mutual promotion, and form a chain and ecosystem cooperation community.


At the meeting, Zhao Yang, Chairman of TEA Global Theme Entertainment Association Asia-Pacific Region, shared the development trend of the global theme entertainment IP real-world business. Zhao Yang pointed out that in today's severe homogeneity of commercial spaces, cultural and tourism commercial facilities should meet the basic functions of eating, shopping, and housing, but also meet the complex functions of cultural display, cultural experience, interactive communication, and sightseeing experience. At present, shopping malls have become a kind of "check-in" and "tourism". In the short term, it can directly and quickly bring in turnover. In the long term, it can make shopping malls and other commercial real estate projects in terms of product playability, fun, and richness. It's more differentiated-it's not an attraction, it's better than an attraction.


Luxin-Rio is an integrated entertainment technology company that develops and manufactures theme entertainment equipment. It has theme entertainment products such as MX4D dynamic special effects cinema, Mediamation flying theater, scenic multifunctional MX4D special effects cinema. Cultural IP plus interactive technology, dual product highlights, can provide specialized themed entertainment technical services for customers such as commercial real estate and theme parks, help differentiate the development of commercial complexes, and break the phenomenon of homogeneity.

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